Clouds Drifting

On my way home the other day I found a hobbit hole.

The hole was like a door into another world. A world of clouds.

Et hobbithul i mur mellem Trepilelågen og  Springforbi

Et hobbithul i mur ved Springforbi Foto by Hanna Greenwood

That made me think of an article I read about the Danish weather once.
The sky in Denmark is something special. In the sense that there is a very wide variation in relation to other places in the world.

McEff from Becausetheyrethere now lives in Andalusia. He has consistently noticed the sky on my pictures 🙂 And there might be a reason for that.
I have found the information I lacked which deals with why the sky of Denmark is worth enjoying.

Denmark is a unique place on the planet where most weather and most air masses passing through in a year. With air masses and the changeable weather follows all sorts off clouds, so look up and enjoy!

The Hobbit Hole

slowly drifting
across the horizon
looking for a dry
Heather Burns

McEff fra Becausetheyrethere er flyttet til Andalusien. Det må opleves som et voldsomt klimaskift fra en lind strøm af stormende lavtryk til en klar blå himmel og 35-40 graders varme. Jeg tror, der går en rum tid, før vi kan forvente rapportering om vandreture fra Andalusien 🙂

Sommeren herhjemme har været usædvanlig kold, og høsten er sat langt tilbage. Vi mangler solen, og dog har der været perioder, hvor vejret i Danmark har vist sig fra sin bedste side.
Himlen og skyerne i Danmark er unikke, og meteorolog Jesper Theilgaard har udgivet en smuk bog om vejret i Danmark.

I det digre værk: ”Det Danske Vejr” fortæller Theilgaard om de danske guldaldermalere Eckersberg, Købke, Skovgaard og Lundbye. Flere af datidens malere interesserede sig for meteorologi.

Skovgaards billede ”Fra Eremitagen” er et dejligt gensyn for mig.

“Fra Eremitagen” af P.C. Skovgaard

Eremitagen er et vidunderligt sted at betragte himlen. Græsser der svajer i vinden, med alle de nuancer der fremkommer, når skyerne driver hen over himlen.

Himlens stolte væsner de 27 skytyper: Skytyper

17 thoughts on “Clouds Drifting

  1. I love wide skies. They are part of the landscape yet they change by the hour, sometimes by the minute.
    I love the picture with the daisies and purple clover, Hanna. And thanks for the link.
    All the best, Alen

    • You are very welcome, Alen 🙂 You have made a big impression on me taking that big decision moving to Andalusien.
      All the best,

  2. That photo with the wildflowers and sky…❤️ I want to lie down there right now.

  3. Love the drawing of the Hobbit Hole! And the blue’s in the photos are so refreshing.

  4. De siger at der altid er lys for enden af en tunnel – det er jo blåt

    Springforbi er fascinerende – skønne inspirerende billeder… 🙂

  5. Denmark is truly a special place. I love sky gazing and cloud watching. Loved all your gorgeous pictures again, Hanna. They are so alive, so vibrant. Thanks for sharing more beautiful views of your country. The Hobbit Hole is wonderful! 🙂

    • Thank you, Jane for your lovely comment. I know I have a talent for spotting the beauty in many things.
      Once my friend and I were on a hike together. I took a lot of photos along the trail. He was bored and thought the area was depressing.
      The next day when he saw my pictures he found it hard to believe that he had been at the same spot 😉 😀
      I do my best to keep that ability alive ❤
      Wish you a happy day,

    • Alexander, that was a very sweet thing to say. I’m just good at being present in the moment. Maybe that’s why I have trouble hearing my phone 😉 🙂
      Thank you for your nice comments.
      Wish you a lovely evening,

    • Nature is the greatest gift we can receive. When the ribbon is loosened and the paper is of there are no end to the joy 🙂

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