The Benefit of Nature Experience

Isn’t stunningly beautiful, exclaimed the woman, who was walking towards me. She was well wrapped, but under the hood red curly hair was sticking out over a pair of twinkling blue eyes.
She smiled excited and exclaimed, I don’t understand why I have to convince myself to go for a walk.
The outdoor doesn’t tempt me when I’m sitting at home looking out.
Therefore I cheat and persuade myself that 15 minutes will do me good. And it entices me so in the end I take advantage of that hour I have available at midday.

We chatted a bit more about different natural areas that were worth exploring. She exclaimed that she loved the winding paths, and she loved to set a new course every day. I wonder why I felt so much sympathy 🙂

An hour later I met her again still heading away from her starting point. I failed to mention the highly overdue deadline because she seemed to be floating away with a dreamy expression between gnarled old trees and green moss cushions.

New American research from Standford University in California, shows that walks in the countryside provides lower blood flow in parts of the brain that produces the greatest activity with worries and thoughts.

Gregory Bratman and his colleagues conclude from their research that even short trips are changing the brain and have a measurable impact on negative thoughts

Photo by Hanna Greenwood

Photo by Hanna Greenwood

Er der ikke fantastisk smukt, udbrød kvinden, som kom gående imod mig. Hun var pakket godt ind, men under hætten stak det røde krøllede hår frem over et par tindrende blå øjne. Hun smilede begejstret, og udbrød: Jeg forstår ikke, hvorfor jeg skal overtale mig selv til at komme ud og gå. Vandreture frister mig ikke, når jeg sidder hjemme og kigger ud. Derfor fortæller jeg mig selv, at jeg skal bare gå i et kvarter, og ikke den time, som jeg har til rådighed til mig selv midt på dagen.
Vi sludrede lidt mere om forskellige naturområder, der var værd at udforske. Hun poienterede, at hun elskede de snoede stier, og helst gik en ny vej hver dag. Hvorfor følte jeg så stor sympati?

En time senere mødte jeg hende igen stadigvæk med kurs væk fra hendes startsted. Jeg undlod at omtale den stærkt overskredne tidsfrist, for hun så ud til at svæve afsted med et drømmende udtryk mellem de viltre træer og de grønne mospuder.

Ny amerikansk forskning fra Standford University i Californien, viser at ture i naturen giver lavere blodgennemstrømning i de dele af hjernen, som giver størst aktivitet ved bekymringer og tanker.

Gregory Bratman og hans kollegaer konkluderer på baggrund af deres forskning at selv korte ture forandrer hjernen og har en målbar effekt på negative tanker


God tur og husk madpakken ❤

8 thoughts on “The Benefit of Nature Experience

  1. That’s a gorgeous photograph and I agree with the research studies about the effects of nature. Sometimes when I am tired and feeling lazy, I have to force myself to go on a walk but once I am out there I’m much happier and glad I did. It always helps me feel more relaxed and less stressed. Thanks for another beautiful post, Hanna. I love to read your words and see your pictures. xx

    • Hi Jane. I appreciate your comment very much. It emphasizes my post in the best way, thank you.
      All the best and a little more 🙂

    • Thanks Isabel. You’re right!! Nature is more important for people than many of us believe. Therefore, it is important to incorporate nature in the growing urban environments. I have seen some interesting examples in Copenhagen, and will probably make a post with accompanying pictures 🙂
      Wish you a great evening ❤

    • Hi Alen. You know all about how to do it judging by your blog. The good thing about ‘my’ therapy is that short walks also can do wonders.
      Thanks for your compliment!
      All the best,

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