
              …det var December som kom.






Nu kom den sidste, den gamle morlille med ildpotten; hun frøs, men hendes øjne strålede som to klare stjerner. Hun bar en urtepotte med et lille grantræ. “Det vil jeg pleje og det vil jeg passe, så at det bliver stort til juleaften, når fra gulvet lige op til loftet, og gror med tændte lys, forgyldte æbler og udklipninger. Ildpotten varmer som en kakkelovn, jeg tager eventyrbogen op af lommen og læser højt, så at alle børnene i stuen bliver stille, men dukkerne på træet bliver levende og den lille engel af voks, øverst oppe i træet, ryster med knitterguldsvingerne, flyver fra den grønne top og kysser små og store inde i stuen, ja de fattige børn med, som står udenfor og synger julesangen om stjernen over Bethlehem!”

Tolv med posten, Et eventyr af Hans Christian Andersen




15 thoughts on “December

    • Thank you, Lautal. I have cheated and used the pictures from last year’s amazing snowfall. Today, it was 8 degrees, and it is hard to understand that it is the first of December.
      Christmas and snow are closely linked, so I hope you can forgive me for the freedom I have taken 🙂
      All the best,

      • Do not blame you at all. The pictures match to the season. Nothing is wrong to use last year’s memory. Because the nature and weather have been changed dramatically we use our memory and imagination and trying to make it true. Pictures are beautiful and thoughtful.

      • Thanks again, you are far too kind, Lautal. Meteorologists promise snow at the end of the week after a storm on Thursday. If the forecast is correct, snowy weather will be updated 🙂
        All the best,

  1. Dear Hanna, I can only understand very few words in Danish, is there already that much snow? Here it has actually gotten a bit warmer, but snow is anyway something that happens obly rarely here in Southeast England. Peggy

    • Dear Peggy. I thought the snow would embellish the first Sunday of Advent 🙂
      From now on I will take care and provide information about when the pictures are taken. They are from the same time last year. This year has been hot. We’ve had a hot summer and autumn, so we await with interest the winter we will have.
      All the best,

    • Alas! The cognac has unfortunately evaporated 😀 The Famous Grouse should do the work don’t you think -.
      All the best,

  2. Un reportaje fotográfico precioso con esas vistas de la nieve que nos hacen soñar con las vacaciones de Navidad y con los niños disfrutando alrededor del árbol… Muy bonito, Hanna.
    Muchas gracias por compartir este post.
    Un abrazo grande.

    • Querido Barbera. Gracias por tu hermoso comentario. Estas fotos son de un museo al aire libre donde las viejas tradiciones de Navidad se celebran en el mes de Navidad.
      Muchos buenos deseos para el mes de Navidad y un gran abrazo,

    • Vores Frilandsmuseum i Lyngby, 12 km uden for København er altid et besøg værd. Ved juletid er der mange fine arrangementer og hygge mellem de gamle, smukke huse.
      Mange hilsner,

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