12 thoughts on “One cloudy day in Denmark

    • Skovene ved Buresø og Farum Søsti har været min største naturoplevelse i år. Som du skriver, Drake, ren idyl. Kun fuglekvidder, vinden i træerne og nye smukke indtryk om hvert et hjørne 🙂
      Mange hilsner herfra,

    • Dear Barbara. Thank you so much I’m glad you are enjoying my nature. You don’t have to feel envy now that you have seen it.

      Querida Barbara. Muchas gracias Me alegro de que esté disfrutando de mi naturaleza. Usted no tiene que sentir envidia att ahora que lo he visto.
      Un abrazo to you too 🙂

    • 😀
      There are two young water buffalo bulls in the bog, they weigh 800 kg apiece and they are very quiet because there are no buffalo ladies 😦 I think this is a shame for the buffalo but they do a good job as natural carers. Maybe they still get a reward in addition to care of the beautiful environment
      All the best,

      • Blech, of course they’re water buffalo, I knew that! “Cows”. Arg! I remember taking pictures of a water buffalo in Nepal that had a couple ladies in waiting, and he got pretty fiesty…so maybe it was a good thing there weren’t any there that day. I can think of 800 reasons to not make one of those things mad!

      • It is I who should apologize. I would have raised the water buffalo to its feet, so you got your facts straight, but I had 800 excuses not to do so 😀
        All the best,

  1. Skyerne gøre mig føle sig hjemme, Hanna. Jeg forventer det regner undertiden i Danmark. Den vandbøffel ser meget indhold. det skal være et tilfredsstillende liv bare sidder omkring spise græs.
    Cheers, Alen

    • Jeg gravede i arkiverne, og fandt disse billeder frem med mørke skyer, men det var svært 😉 Folk fra Nordengland skal også føle sig godt tilpas på min blog.
      De bedste hilsner til dig, Alen og rigtig god weekend,

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